supports sustainable businesses.

for the Knowledge Services Industry

in Sustainability and Ripe for Ecotourism Investment
Dominica Industry Sectors with High Opportunities
Invest Dominica Authority has identified key industry sectors that represent the greatest opportunities for investors. The tourism, renewable energy, agribusiness/aquaculture, and knowledge services industry sectors are recognized for their high growth potential and for their alignment with the skills and education of the local population.
Dominica’s natural resources provide abundant opportunities for renewable energy generation. Our hot springs, for example, create unprecedented geothermal potential. Likewise, as the land of 365 rivers, our abundant freshwater resources and rich soil are ideal for agribusiness, particularly for high value specialty crops, and for aquaculture investments.

Organic Agribusiness, Aquaculture and Manufacturing
33% of Dominica’s land is for agriculture. Our rich soil, abundant fresh water supply & high biodiversity supports sustainable businesses

Grow your company with an affordable english-speaking and educated workforce located in EST - ideal for U.S. and Canadian companies

The “Nature Island” of the Caribbean - Dominica as an emerging leader in sustainability and ripe for ecotourism investment

Dominica gets 28% of its power from hydro and is on track towards becoming the first
climate-resilient nation in the world by 2030